Vital support flowing for grass roots health care providers

24 August 2020





Act for Kids will benefit from the $30 million fund established to support Queensland’s community-based health service groups during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a $90,000 grant.

Assistant Minister for Health Nikki Boyd said it was critical to provide support to the most vulnerable in our community.

“In this round of the initiative, we have supported Act for Kids by directly allocating funding to ensure the service continues to provide vital support for at risk children and families during this difficult time,” Ms Boyd said.

“It is crucial that we back our community support services during these difficult times as they continue to respond to the widespread impact of the virus in Queensland.”

Dr Katrina Lines from Act for Kids said the organisation quickly embraced telephone and online consultations to combat the rising risk of child abuse and neglect during the coronavirus lockdown.

“Rather than scaling back, we’ve embraced technology to continue providing life-changing therapy and support to vulnerable children and families right across Queensland,” Dr Lines said.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has made preventing and treating abuse and neglect even harder, and demand for our services has been increasing.”

“Isolation means that many children have been spending more time with people who harm them.”

“I thank the Queensland Government for supporting us during our time of need. This funding means Act for Kids can help more kids right across the State,” she said.

Deputy Premier Miles said it is heartening to see funding flow to our community healthcare providers, who are responding so well to ensure Queenslanders get vital care.

“Since announcing the COVID-19 Immediate Support Measures NGO grant funding, 171 grants for community health services from across the state have been awarded more than $27.7 million of funding,” Mr Miles said.

“Another 18 mental health community support services from across the State have successfully received funding totalling $2.6 million.

“Other successful recipients deliver community-based health services including mental health services, Indigenous health services, consumer support, primary and integrated care, palliative care and alcohol and other drugs services.”

“I want to thank Act for Kids for their services to Queenslanders in need during this time.”

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For more information, please contact Zoe Templeton, PR and Communications Specialist, on:

M: 0427 794 666

E: zoe.templeton@actforkids.com.au